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Book Stack

The Book Giver

An Enthusiastic Book Collector

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Do you have a collection of fragile or rare old books that you want to preserve? In order to make sure they maintain their condition and last as long as possible, you’ll want to make sure they are cared for properly. Old books degrade with time as they are affected by several environmental factors and general mishandling.
Being careless could result in losing these valuables forever. Let’s review some quick tips for preserving old books. Follow our suggestions, and you’ll be able to pass these collectibles on to your children and grandchildren.

Book Shelf

Safe Storage

Books should be kept in a place where direct sunlight doesn’t hit and the air doesn’t contain any humidity or moisture. Ideally, temperatures should be between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent mold infestation. Relative humidity levels should be maintained at 44% to 55% so that the pages don’t dry out.
Wherever you choose to store them, make sure it is not the basement or the attic.

Flying Books


Want to put up your interesting book collection on display? Choose baked enamel or glass shelves rather the traditional wooden cabinets. Wood that is sealed improperly can transfer chemicals to the books, damaging the paper and bindings in turn.

Book Stack

Preventing Degradation

If you don’t want to display your books, then store them in protective boxes or covers that are made from non-acidic materials. These are easily available to order online. . Even then, remember that dust can accumulate and if too much dust gathers, it can lead to an infestation. So regularly brush books to keep the dust away. Just use a clean cloth for the purpose. Don’t use any chemical cleaners or you will spoil the pages.

Reading with Coffee

Safe Storage

Lay down all tall books with a height of 18 inches or more on a flat surface, instead of keeping them upright. This will prevent the pages from warping. When stacking books on top, ensure none of the piles are too long or all the books will be mis-balanced.


Generally, light and UV rays do damage books, so ensure none of these reach the pages. Maintain a minimum amount of lighting wherever you’re storing the books. Cover fluorescent fixtures, windows and other openings with UV filters.


This is the best technique for preserving old books! Digitize them either by finding a document imaging service or by doing it manually. The former method is preferred because it offers better quality, eliminates all the hassles and takes less time. If you want, you can digitize books yourself. However, the quality of the digital document greatly depends on the equipment that you use. Only specialized book scanners will give you the desired results. If you don’t have the right equipment or desire to purchase it, you best option will be to find a professional document imaging service to get the job done right.


2019 - Michael Harris, Smooth Solutions


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